Tuesday, 2 April 2024

#274: Placename Mapper - looking for natural influences

A nice mapping project shared by R T Wilson.

Thanks to Alasdair Rae for the tipoff.

This could be useful to investigate the influence of natural landscapes on place names.

There are also some historical suffixes relating to the origins of settlements e.g. I was born in Wickersley - ley means a clearing in a woodland or forest. I am reminded of this when I visit Iceland, as place names are very descriptive and include elements which tell you about the origins of the settlement.

You can search for particular words at the beginning / end etc. of place names and add several layers in different colours (which you choose) to show comparisons.

Here's a map showing place names with WOOD in their name, for example. What can you come up with?

Why not buy them a coffee for their hard work! 

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